Chapter 7: No Entry

For Fathers Day this year, I received a list of services I provide for my Child-

“5 Things I love about my Dad”

1. “My Dad Gives Stories” – Apparently I don’t read stories, but instead give him Stories. This picture even seems to represent this.
2. “Going Places” – He drew a picture of us in my Blue Car.
3. “Playing Games” – This one has a very detailed image of our TV setup with consoles. I’m impressed. There’s even cords going to the back of the TV.
4. “Bike Rides” – He looks like he’s driving an adult bike, but the rest is self explanatory.
5. “Playing Together” – This one took a minute to decipher the picture. He’s going down the slide at a park.

This one is a keeper :D.

Have a great week everyone!